The purchase of a zine goes directly towards the funding of the next issue.  


Fem Assembly – Issue 1, December 2021

“All The Feels”

*Design by Stephany Victorine



Kelly Isaak

Claudia Chagoya

Josefina Rodriguez

Mao Chen

Racheal Warnock

Heather Buchanan

Christina Krentz

Stephany Victorine

Yvonne Kustec


Zines are printed in limited editions. Volume 1 was an edition of 50, and only a few remain. 

*Purchasing a zine will support the Fem Assembly, all proceeds go towards Fem Assembly programming. 

Fem Assembly – Issue 2, June 2023

“F is for FEM”

*Design & illustrations by Stephany Victorine



Kelly Isaak

Claudia Chagoya

Josefina Rodriguez

Mao Chen

Diane McGeachy

Wei Li

Lili Tayefi

Stephany Victorine

Lex Hilderman

Sam Charette

Sandra Lamouche

Christina Krentz

The central idea for issue #2 was to use a book titled,Every Woman’s Standard Medical Guide,published by Greystone Press in 1948, as a source inspiration from which the Fems could respond, react, revise, rewrite, redo, etc. in the freshly reimagined zine pages you see here.
The Zine will be launched at our exhibition in June 2023