F is for FEM
F is for Fem (June 2023) Funded by Calgary Arts Development
12 Artists explore intersectional feminism through their art practice.
Artists: Wei Li, Christina Krentz, Mao Chen, Kelly Issak, Claudia Chagoya, Josefina Rodriguez, Lili Tayefi, Sam Charette, Diane McGeachy, Lex Hilderman, Sandra Lamouche, Stephany Victorine.
Photocredit: Many of the images were taken by Colveen Estrale
Soft Opening
Our first exhibition, 'Soft Opening', was located in the empty basement of a building in downtown Calgary. It was a complete success with over 300 attendees in a single weekend, and included and art sale and secrets closet. All the artists were paid for the exhibition through door donations and zine sales, and the sale of their work.
Artists: Heather Buchanan, Racheal Warnock, Christina Krentz, Kelly Issak, Claudia Chagoya, Josefina Rodriguez, Mao Chen, Stephany Victorine, Yvonne Kustec

Amuse Bouche
Our next show, Amuse Bouche, was held at Workshop Studios. We have another show scheduled for the summer of 2023. Fem Assembly continues to host group exhibitions with emerging artists in Calgary. These exhibitions are for women and non binary folk, and explore aspects of feminism, amplifying the voices of feminist artists in Calgary, AB. Join our email list to be notified of future exhibitions and artist calls.